My neighbor smokes

So I live in a building that has three floors. Each floor is a condo. I happen to be on the third floor and below me my neighbor smokes heavily. During the day and night he will smoke and I like to open the window for fresh air. Now when he smokes he does it in his room or bathroom which happen to be right below my bedroom window. Like he will smoke at 3AM while taking a shit on the toilet. The smoke gets into my room and it really irritates me. I also share the room with my 8 month old baby. If I keep the window closed it gets too hot and it’s really uncomfortable to take naps or sleep. The ceiling fan will just blow warm air. How do I politely ask the neighbor if he can smoke on his patio which would be on the opposite side of the building, without starting a fight? I know I can’t tell him what to do and not to smoke but I would highly appreciate it if he can just move to his patio and not smoke right below my bedroom window in which me and my baby girl sleep in. Its just frustrating not to be able to open the window and have fresh air. We live in California it gets very hot.