After 9 years... Finally!

Crystal • Our IVF baby was born 5.4.19 👪👣

We started <a href="">IVF</a> at the end of July. At my last sonogram appointment I was told I only had 3 eggs visable. One ovary had 0. I was devastated. We miraculously had 6 eggs at retrieval. I felt like that 2 day wait for the fertilization report was the longest of my life. All 6 fertilized! We had 5 embryos make it to blast. We implanted one on 8/20 since this was our 1st time. Friday (4dp5dt), I tested just because I'm crazy and it was negative, so I know the trigger was out of my system. Yesterday (7dp5dt), I tested again. It's positive! I cannot wait for my beta on 9/4. We have had such a hard road. I almost died last December from a ruptured ectopic. That was our only pregnancy since we got together in 2009. They had to do emergency surgery and slice my stomach open. If I had waited 30 more minutes, I would have bled to death. I had 4 blood transfusions and didn't leave the hospital for days. We have been praying for this baby for so long. I don't want to tell the world yet, so I figured this would be my release. My heart is so full. We have been trying for 9 years. I never thought it would be me making this post. I'm so thankful for this beautiful scientific solution. 💗💗