🤦‍♀️ almost passed out after sex...

So my hubby and I haven’t really had a lot of sex since we found out (maybe a handful of times) well today I am 10 weeks exactly! And we had sex this morning. Well I get up to use the restroom and I felt it coming on. I was going to do 2 of 3 things, hell maybe all three.

1. Pee

2. Pass out

3. Throw up (and I haven’t actually thrown up yet, just been super nauseous)

So after I pee, I flush so hopefully hubby knows I’m done there, but I lay down on the floor with my knees up. After several minutes, I’m like ok, just make it to the bed. I get up and get all the lights turned back off and start wobbling to the bed.

THANK GOD my husband grabbed my arm and said it’s right here. Well I laid at the bottom of the bed clammy sweating trying to collect myself. Finally after probably 10 min (but felt like 30+) I am able to get to my side of the bed and am okay.

I have passed out before (enough to know the signs) just not while pregnant, so now I’m stressing out. And I’m sure my husband about had a heart attack... I’m that person that thanked him for his help and apologized for scaring him 🤷‍♀️