I just lost 2 good friends, or did they loose me?

Very unfortunately my friend is going thru a hard time in her relationship, he’s not sure he want to be with her after they built a life together and had 4 beautiful kids, so cute by the way, he had a taste of freedom, by going out and having fun, because I know all the history to me he’s nothing but a lazy son of a bitch who’s not man enough to care for his family, I know this much because I’ve seen it for my self but, that’s not my business at all! He has a friend in common with me who is just an amazing person and he confided in her about his problems with his wife, I don’t know the details we both (our mutual friend and I) know that it’s not our issue and as friends all we need to do is be supportive to the both of them, so his wife came to me about him talking so much shit about our ( him and I) mutual friend, I got upset, so he gets to talk about his issues with our mutual friend he goes to her about his marriage and problems, and he has the nerve to tell his wife all this shit about our mutual friend! what a fucking pussy! So I told his wife dude! Why are you talking bad about this girl?! She has never said anything about you! And I told her the only thing that she said about you( my friend) with was positive And she said why would he confided in her and tell her our business, and I got mad because she got me involved and is breaking her own marriage about a stupid thing! And I’m upset because I gave in to this back and forth and got another person involved, (i don’t need to hear it i know where i was wrong)

So I told her how are you going down on your man for having a friend and confiding in her about his personal issues when you are doing the same with me!!!!! Don’t you think he feels the same way, because by now he 100% knows that I know about there personal issues, with I may add I have never ever, ever talked bad about him and understand that in a marriage there will be difficult times, but him knowing witch doesn’t bother me (fuck him) but not only did she tell him that I know because our mutual friend told me( not true ) I know because she told me! But he said he was going to confront our mutual friend for running Gee mouth WITCH SHE DIDNT! and I told her she has never said anything!!! and also said some stuff that honestly didn’t have nothing to do with me! So I said you know what don’t come to me with you’re issues I don’t want to hear them because the last thing that I would ever do is put you in the middle and that’s what you just did! I understand your having a very hard time right now and it’s painful and I was supportive, trying to help you understand what was going , because he just changed from one day to another, I gave nothing but positive feed back, never took it to no one else, told her keep fighting for your marriage! was loyal from the start and the fact is that you just screw me over and will lose a great Friend because of you, I’m done having friends, this is exactly what I get, I don’t like drama and here she is bringing me in to hers, I was a friend in till she used me to justify why they are having issues, i messed up, I give up on having friends, because all they do is screw you over, I am not made to have friends because I care too much, I was bent outta shape because this peace of shit is leaving her, I cried for her situation, but I’m just not meant to have friends!