What is going on??

I’m so embarrassed to actually be writing about this, but my gyno and RE don’t have much to say about it and I’m at my wits end, so here it goes.... I came off of the pill two years ago in an effort to try and conceive my third child. During my first ovulation after stopping the pill, I had the weirdest/nastiest smelling discharge. It had never happened before in my life and I had no other symptoms. My discharge was clear and ewcm just like it should’ve been during ovulation so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. It only lasted for about four days during ovulation time and then the smell went away. Since then, I have had this nasty smell every cycle during ovulation for a few days during ovulation and then it goes away, only to come back my next ovulation. The only time I didn’t have it was when I was on Clomid and Femara for 5 cycles. Obviously the Clomid, Femara, and 4 iuis didn’t work so I’m taking a break from the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility medications</a> for awhile. But of course, as soon as I’m off the medications and my next ovulation rolls around, the smell is back??!! When I mention it to my gyno or RE, they just kind of give me a “that’s weird” comment and act like it’s nothing since it clears up on it’s own. But I’m pretty sure I’m getting BV every month during ovulation and it’s not full blown enough to where my body can’t clear it. It’s just frustrating because I think that’s part of the reason I’m not getting pregnant. I’ve tried everything... probiotics, acv, not washing with anything but water, garlic, etc.... sorry for the long post, but im just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this and has any tips. Thanks!