My first pregnancy ended today

Katie • 💍8.10.13👫😻😻🐶. 👼 🌈 👶🏼

I had a D&C today to end my first pregnancy. I was 6 weeks 2 days. It was a situation where my HCG levels didn’t rise normally, and my gestational sac stopped growing after 4 weeks and actually shrank and developed an adjacent hemorrhage. So I felt at peace with ending the pregnancy. I had been for 8 sets of lab work and 5 ultrasounds in 4 weeks and it was a total emotional rollercoaster. I was going to wait to miscarry naturally but was afraid I’d lose my sanity and also wanted to end this ASAP in order to try again.

This loss is so painful. I know we never even saw a heartbeat but I felt so attached. I chose names, made nursery Pinterest boards- I was over the moon.

I am so anxious to try again. My bleeding has been pretty light. I don’t want to wait 6+ weeks for AF. I think it will be torture. From what I understand the reason waiting is advised is mostly for dating purposes. I’m tempted to start trying once the bleeding stops.

Have any of you conceived soon after a D&C? I feel so devastated and alone 😢