Baby girl Kylie is here!!!


After all that false "early" labour my baby girl is here and we are in love again.

Trying to be Quick birth story;

Tuesday August 21st, I had a baby doc appointment where she did my second sweep. Went home and lay down cuz I was tired and cramping/contractions started. Came and went few times an hour, same as always. Husband I and decided we would do the deed probably for the last time before the baby came cuz I was so uncomfortable.

Contractions continued getting more intense and closer together. By 1am I knew this was it. My mom and MIL are both over two hours away so I called them both and made sure they had time to get here. From 1-5am they just kept getting stronger and steady at 5 min apart so off to the hospital we went!

I was only 3-4cm and not much change to my cervix so they left me be and checked back in after two hours. Go figure they started to dwindle off in frequency so I stayed walking and moving but with so much pressure that was hard. By 8 am my OBGYN was the doc on call (yay me!!) We discussed going home and waiting it out or breaking my water because I was a full 4cm and hoping the contractions pick up or I go on pitocin.

We opted to break my water. Contractions followed suite and quickly. They offered me the epidural which I declined until I couldn't take the pain anymore so I used the tub to labour for as long as possible. (Which was amazing btw!!!)

By 11am I couldn't do the pain and got the epidural. Napped for about 45 min to an hour and then started feeling pressure and pain in my right side so the nurse flipped me on my side to help the epidural move but the pressure didn't go away. I knew I was close to pushing time. The nurse checked and called the doc in. They had to flip me back over and pull me up and once the doc checked, sure enough baby' head was right there!!!

Started pushing at 1:30. She was born at 1:42 PM August 22. @39 weeks and 5 days Also my 3rd wedding anniversary! A day we will never ever forget!

Welcome baby girl Kylie James Constance

A whopping 8.6lbs 20.8inches and cute as a button!!