Af is late, BABYDUST my way please!!!

Each month I have some pregnancy symptoms and I get my hopes up about it being "my month". This month during my TWW, no swollen breasts, no tenderness, no pinching cramps. Absolutely nothing. Threw this month out the window. Now AF is late. Two days. The day she was supposed to arrive, I felt her coming. My ovaries were prepared to release the furry. Today, nothing again. And now I'm having horrible heartburn/indigestion that's making me feel sick and back pain. I told myself I'd wait until Friday to test, I can't handle seeing yet another negative. But I'm starting to get my hopes up just a bit. I tracked ovulation with OPKs and we used PreSeed, second month. Please send loads of babydust and prayers my way!! I could really use this blessing this month!!!