I will be saying goodbye soon

Tiffany • Married•Mother of a 11 year old daughter•Mother of 👼🏽 baby 9/1/18•Mother of a rainbow baby on the way 9/1/19 her birthday is 8/19/19 I have a toddler today💖🌸

Today me and my Husband found out that our baby stop growing and our baby is not there anymore they also could not find a Heartbeat. We don’t Believe it. We are getting a Second Opinion next week to find out before we tell everyone. I can stop crying because after the doctor told us this I feel Empty and feel like someone has Taken something from me. I pray next week they tell us our baby is there. If not I don’t know how to tell our daughter she is so happy to have an Sibling on the way. This is killing me and it’s killing me to have to wait to get our second opinion.😞😞😔😔

Update: I started bleeding on Thursday and have pain. On Friday the bleeding and pain got very bad that I had to go to the ER. When I got to the ER I found out I was have a miscarriage then. Today Saturday Sep 1 at 8am the people in the ER had my D&C done they was trying to do it last night but things happen. 😔😔😔😔