Why did you wait so long?

My parents waited 10 years to have me. They always have been all about my sister. She's 28 and they still do so much for her. When is it time for her to grow up? But every chance my dad gets to tell me to move out he does! I iust graduated! Ive been trying to get a job for 2 years. My fiance has been gone for the army. I want to move to Tennessee but can't seem to get a job so we can move and him follow when he's home. (which will be soon) Anyways his parents are shitty and arent providing a home for him when he returns so I asked if he could stay here. My parents flipped! They are over having kids and ready to enjoy their life. Which is fine they can. But I'm so over being the one daughter who does everything for them and gets shit on. But my sister is the saint and she can move home anytime she wants. Why did they even have me if they just want me gone all the time? Please dont have a child if by the time their 10 you wish you could do stuff on your own and go out.