(UPDATE) I’m in need of Hope, please pray for me and my pregnancy...

Mrs. B

According to glow and my doctor I’m currently around 5w 5d My hcg level is only at 865.... 😕🙏🏼

My first level on 8/17 at 12 dpo was only 27, but my Progesterone level was 29.04, on 8/20 hcg level at 102, on 8/22 hcg level at 174 and today on 08/29 hcg level at 865 and my Progesterone has dropped to 12.40...

Please if there is any successful stories out there with similar situations I could use some hope...

Please keep us in your prayers if possible, I had a MC on 11/17/17 and another one on 06/03/18 and it’s really so sad that it could happen again...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Thank you! 💗

(UPDATE) 09/24/18

I would like to take the time to update for all of you that have offered a prayer for me or for someone that might be facing something similar and might be seeking for some hope like I was...

God Is Good! After lots of test and ultrasounds I’m still pregnant and praying for a healthy and happy outcome. I’m currently 8weeks 1day according to my last ultrasound my do date is set for 05/05/19.

I came to find out that I was carrying twins but one vanished, so my doctor is blaming the discrepancy of my hcg levels to that, I was also put on progesterone and everything seems to be going well. I’m praying and I’m full of faith that’s we will make it to term. I have my next ultrasound scheduled for 10/08/18. I will continue to update my progress on here in hopes to help give hopes to someone else. Thank you for reading and blessings to all! 🙏🏼🙏🏼😊🙏🏼🙏🏼