Just needing some help🤷‍♀️

It’s been a wild past couple years for me and it seems to continue on. I was on the Depo shot for about a 1 year and 5 months. Shortly after I went to on to do an IUD ( I think it was Paragard). Well long story short after a couple weeks of it in, it fell out. I went to my gyno and had X-rays and they said it was definitely out. So as you can tell I haven’t had great luck with birth control! But I am honestly happy to be off of it because it was never my choice to be on it anyway. Here recently I have been having unprotected sex and etc, with my fiancé who I’ve been with for 2 years. And I haven’t surprisingly gotten pregnant (I am apparently very fertile). We aren’t necessarily trying right now but it wouldn’t be an issue if I could. I have been pregnant before I met him but sadly miscarried on my 8 week mark. The Gyno, said everything was okay after that and I could still have a successful pregnancy after birth control but I’m just worried that what if I can’t? Long story short, I’ve been afraid to ask anyone if they know how long it takes for the effects of those birth controls to come off? The IUD shouldn’t be an issue but I know Depo can stay long in the body. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it and I know I spewed out a lot but I don’t know how else to explain. Much love everyone 💕