It feels so surreal to finally be able to write my birth story, it’s not that exciting, but here it is. So this past Monday, I woke up to drops of clear fluid running down my leg, and when I went to the bathroom to pee and freshen up, I also noticed I was spotting. So I called my OB and they told me to go to L&D. Long story short,I went. They told me what I experienced was not amniotic fluid and that the spotting was more than likely from the sex I had the day prior, and that I was still only 1 cm dilated but now 50% effaced. So, reluctantly I go home. As soon as I get home, my contractions ramp up and become very uncomfortable, but still irregular. Eventually, after hours of painful contractions, my water fully breaks, and I then head to L&D again. They basically tell me that they can’t figure out from their test if it was my water that broke because there was so much bloody mucus near my cervix, but that since it was my second time there, and I was due to be induced the next day, they’d just go ahead and admit me and start the labor process. I had also progressed to 2 cm. So they immediately start me on pitocin and antibiotics for my group B strep. Almost immediately I begin feeling the effects from the pitocin, contractions were strong, and after an hour on the pitocin, totally unbearable and I honestly wanted to die. It was no joke! I wanted so bad to hold out to 5 cm before I got an epidural, but there was no way so I got an epidural at 3cm. After that, I was still feeling contractions so I ended up having to have my dose increased and after that I felt NOTHING and it was smoother sailing. In what seemed like the blink of an eye I was told I aaa fully dilated and ready to start practice pushes. I was so nervous and tired! When the time comes to start practicing, the nurse gets concerned because she can no longer trace my contractions and she spends a good bit of time trying to find them so I know when to push. Eventually she tells me just to push and see what happens, I barely even start to push and she immediately tells me to stop because the baby’s head was crowning! She calls for the doctor, they set up, and after only 2 pushes, my baby boy was born into this world 100% healthy and absolutely perfect. Ryker wade was 7 pounds 6 ounces and almost 21 inches long. We are so happy to finally have him here with us!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.