I micarried 😢

I miscarried my second baby on Tuesday. I don’t know if I want to try again for another. It took us a few months to conceive and it happened when we were ready to just about give up. Dr said I have low progesterone levels and had given me meds to help if and when we do. Everyone keeps saying, “Gods timing, at least it happened early, you can try again, at-least you have one healthy child already” but that doesn’t take away the fact that it happened, I was still pregnant and from the day I found out I started to picture our lives with this other baby. We started looking at names and now all I have is a positive pregnancy test. I keep feeling like I did this, I could’ve been healthier I could have done more to be fit, I know they say not to blame yourself but I don’t know how else to feel. I just don’t know why I was given this baby just for him or her to be taken away. Today is my dads 2nd birthday in heaven and it’s just an overly emotional day and I’m trying so hard to keep it together.