Looking for advice about my mam

So my mam stopped me seeing my daughter which is against court order a year ago I don't know why she just ignored me, anyways it got to the point she was harassing me and ringing social on me because of my youngest who lives with me, social just kept closing the case as false information, anyways we moved away to stop the harassment and I've been getting bit upset missing my mam, I've just been thinking how can I fix something that I don't know anything about, if I knew why she did it I could speak to her about it but I don't know what her problem is with me or my youngest daughter, I just want it to go back to how it was we were very close, how do I get my mam to care about us again what am I meant to do to get her to bond with my youngest, I'm pregnant again and it's just making me so upset that she hasn't even complemented this pregnancy.