I love it 😍

Amber • Mommy of 3 & 1 Angel baby NOW pregnant with our rainbow baby making my husbands dream come true by having one last blessing

I am so blessed and happy that I have my husband ❤️ it’s only the beginning and I just know this pregnancy is going to be extra special! I had three previous kids that know my husband as their father which so am also super blessed for but actually having someone to be right beside me is all I ever wanted ❤️ let’s rewind a bit Yes I have three previous kids from three different men 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I feel easy and believes the lies) I got pregnant at 18 with my oldest daughter her father was there for appointments belly rubs and the two baby showers we had but we were young so it wasn’t really... how do I say it? It wasn’t all lovey dovey sweet gesture I guess you could say we were together all the way from age 13 to 19 then There is my son... I knew his father for two years then we started “dating” (I was more so blinded by the fact that I was about to move and live happily ever after WRONG he used me as a maid and a baby sitter he was 14 yrs older than me) so out of the two times we had sex my baby boy was created I then one day found out he snorted drugs so I ran I left and never looked back. He knows of my son but has never met my son!!! I have given him plenty of chances and now he is married to yet another young woman who is only 21 🤦🏻‍♀️ needless to say I won’t and never will push my son onto him I care about my sons safety too much & then here I am pregnant with my baby girl (you think I would of learned) but I was so in love with a military “man” yea one who tried to bash my head they the window who cheated on me who ended up having two more kids the same damn age 🤦🏻‍♀️ he was around but it was when he wanted to be so I gave up again I won’t force anyone to do a damn thing and I created hear babies & I was taught to never have an abortion! I was a single mother of three and my kids are my world. I begged my doctor to tie my tubs he refused I cried because I didn’t want to be in the this situation yet again. I was terrified of having sex I didn’t want another baby I told everyone NEVER again why did this have to happen to me. Why were men so stupid why was I so stupid to be “loved” that way. Was it me? Why? Why? Why? Now fast forward to 2018 I am married my kids love my husband as their father!!! My oldest father is in her life she loves her bio dad very much but she also asked if she could call my husband daddy 😍 now my two youngest don’t know a difference they only have ever know my husband as their father & Yes I know one day we will have to face it but til then I am thankful. In January me and my husband went thru a miscarriage together & now here we are on your lil bean who is sticking very well! He rubs my belly already and is so excited I told him he didn’t have to miss work for my appointment but he looked at me and basically said I’ll be damn I will be there 😍 he has already helped pick out names & even looks at baby stuff with me. My lil vent but in the end God knew what I needed to go thru God was teaching me to listen God was teaching me to stop settling I wasn’t learning though but NOW God has blessed me with the man I prayed for and in the mist of just staying focused and not looking God sent me Christopher ❤️ I love my husband and proudly say that my husband is one of the best things that every happened to us!