5 years of wishing and hoping and praying


Hi all!

I've been watching everyone's posts and wanted to add my stats for reference because it has helped me so much during the waiting.

Quickish history: My husband and I are both 31, we've been trying for 5 years, we did clomid, femera, injections, multiple IUIs, a lapararoscopy and 2 HSGs. We've had 3 early miscarriages, where we learned from testing one of them that the sperm gave the wrong number of chromosomes. We started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in March and have learned, through genetic testing, that we are making an unusually high number of abnormal embryos, which can be caused by the sperm or the egg. Of 36 eggs retrieved, 24 were mature and we ended up with 2 normal 5 day blasts to freeze. We transferred one on 8/15 and below are my stats since then.

Symptoms: On and off sore breasts, on and off light headed, super hungry. My "symptoms" have been coming and going and driving me nuts, but as you can see my HCG more than doubled as I was sitting home poking my boobs and convincing myself something was wrong.

For now, I'm focusing on the positives and trying to tell myself I should stop testing and Google hunting. I hope this helps someone 😘🧚‍♀️baby dust to all!!

Tests 5dp5dt -15dp5dt (10dpo-20dpo). Beta 708 on 8/28 (13dp5dt/18dpo) and 1640 today (15dp5dt/20dpo).

First scan 9/12.

Current expected due date 5/3!! 🤞😑👌