for people in GOOD relationships (both ppl think so), when you "take care of eachother" are you ...


this is also meant to be a discussion. my partner thinks we basically dont have a relationship because he thinks i should be able to meet his needs without him telling me what those needs are- his words! .....What I was told by my counselor is that good relationships mean the partners communicate so much about their needs back-and-forth that eventually it does appear like they are reading each other's mind but it is simply because they have understood what those needs are after so long of communicating them to eachother... My partner feels like a good relationship means that you intuitively know what the other person needs right away and you are always doing this non verbal dance of understanding each other.... I really don't think that I am not terribly clueless at relationships but when he seems to want me to read his mind it makes me feel like I am a terrible partner.... is he crazy or do i just not understand what a personal relationship means?

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