Help - No period but not pregnant!

My periods always came 30-33 day’s and lasted 5 day’s. My last period lasted only 1.5 day’s starting July 20th and that was 45 day’s late. It wasn’t even a normal period. I had minimal bleeding. Today, I’m at day 42 now and no period. I tested myself last Friday the 24th as well as the doc tested my urine on Monday the 27th and I’m not pregnant and I still don’t have my period.

I’ve never been on birth control, I’m 33 years old and my husband and I are trying to conceive our first. I have a consistent diet and workout regimen so I can’t even say that’s a possible reason. My doc asked me to come back on sept 7th for an ultrasound check to make sure my ovaries are good to go, but the wait till my appt is making me anxious.

Anyone go through a similar situation or know of anyone? What happened? Did they finally get their period? Were they pregnant after the long wait? Is there something wrong with my uterus? Any advice on what to do?