Heartbroken and confused


So my story is short (we haven’t been trying that long. About 9 months) but very long. I know that doesn’t make sense but I could use some advice of ladies who are somewhat in the boat.

My husband and started trying to get pregnant in December after our wedding. And honestly I was shocked we weren’t pregnant right away. But months go by and still no baby...so there it was late June and my period is just acting weird. Odd cramps and unusual bleeding. The OBGYN says it was because I am not producing eggs. Well shit! That’s going to be a nightmare. A few weeks later and now it’s the first week of August. So now I have hardly no energy and I feel like crap and just blah! Here comes God awful cramps. Like throw up because I’m nauseous and hurting so bad. I’m on my way home one evening and I pass out. Rushed to the hospital, I’m having an ectopic pregnancy and they have to do an emergency c-section (because I got into a car accident from passing out) to check my other organs, remove my tube, and stop the bleeding. Four units of blood and 36 staples later, my husband and I are left with no baby and a family saying we need to try again for another baby.......anyone else feel like shit and trying to make it day to day?