UPDATE Would you be pissed?

Earlier my baby, brother, and I left for an appointment that I absolutely can not miss and we had to go get formula before because we were completely out. I noticed the car seat was really loose (safety first go and grow) so I tried pulling on the strap to make it tighter but it wasn’t working. So my brother tried and he wasn’t strong enough to tighten it either. So I try going inside to get my bf and realized the door was locked (it locks by itself if you don’t turn the unlock thing before walking out). So I start calling him. He declined it right away. So I keep calling and he keeps declining it. I text him probably 5 times when he tells me he’s pooping. Okay so I give him 5 minutes and tell him to hurry. He texted me and told me just to go. I told him if he doesn’t come out and tighten it then he has to watch our daughter but he said he wasn’t doing either of it. 🙄 so after waiting another 10 minutes I finally had to leave because we were going to be late. He just has no regard for our daughters safety it’s so annoying. Would you be pissed or am I over reacting.

: update.

So when I was typing this I was actually in the middle of the situation (just sitting at Walmart waiting for my brother to be done getting the formula) I just didn’t know how to word it.

I left our house and went to Walmart because she was hungry and I needed formula to make her a bottle. As we were leaving, some lady hit the car ( his car, brand new by the way). I call him and he freaks out. I get home and he literally is telling me it’s my fault and it wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t go to Walmart. He then told me that I needed to call the insurance and everything and when I told him no he started packing up everything saying he was gonna leave me if I didn’t call. So I called but now I feel like I shouldn’t have. I want to be done with him but at the same time I don’t want to. Idk what to do.