Losing weight after baby * EDIT *

Mama Bear x2 • Engaged to my best friend 💍💒❤️proud mother of a handsome boy 👦🏻🎮❤️ and beautiful baby girl 👶🏻🦄❤️.

When I found out I was pregnant last October, I was at my heaviest -243. I had a successful pregnancy and now have a beautiful 10 week old daughter. Throughout my pregnancy I was very mindful of what I ate and since having her I’ve been watching what I eat and walking extra at work. I weighed this morning and I am down to 210. I know it’s not much but I’m very proud of my progress so far. First picture is right before I found out I was pregnant in October of last year and the 2nd is 2 weekends ago.

EDIT - y’all I am overwhelmed with all the kind words for everybody. It hasn’t been easy since Ive started back to work to stay eating right and staying focused. I have reached a plateau but I won’t give up. I will reach my goal of 175 no matter how long it takes. Adding a picture of me with both my kids( not the best but love them!)