Filing for divorce


Almost 20 weeks pregnant, I’m home by myself all the time taking care of my 1 year old. I’d like to have my stbxh here with us but every time he comes around he does or says something to make me mad and it feels like he does it on purpose, for example tonight he came here for the first time in a week and let our daughter drink some pineapple juice, she spilled it on herself and started crying I told him that she’s crying because it’s cold. Mind you’ve I’ve literally been the only one taking care of her and she doesn’t really like anything cold especially on her body, he tries to fight with me and tell me that’s not why she’s cry and then proceeds to leave at 8pm, he’d only been here for maybe 45 minuets. He recently asked me for a divorce saying if it doesn’t happen now it will happen eventually.. I am not upset, but when he’s here I feel so conflicted because he makes me so upset but he wasn’t here for the pregnancy of our daughter I’d think he wants to be around for our son. He’s become a absent dad lately and I’m just so distraught, I didn’t imagine having to do this by myself again including going through a divorce.. this was really just a vent, sorry for my boring story guys. If you read thank you.