Weight Loss


Hello Ladies,

I desperately need help trying to lose over 100 lbs. for as long as I can remember I have always thought badly about my weight. Even when I only weighed 150 lbs (years ago). Today I have weighed myself and I am 258.8 almost 260 pounds. I am only 21 and 5’ 4” and I don’t want to live the rest of my life like this. Me and my boyfriend of 7 years plan on getting married in the next few years and having children down the line but I want to be healthy for my kids and for myself. I want to feel beautiful on the outside and I just can’t seem to motivate myself enough to stick to something. I am shamefully addicted to sugar and carbs and I need advice on how to kickstart my weight lose and get myself in a routine. Please ladies anything will help!

Photo is my most recent body pic from a few months ago, have gained almost 20lbs since then