
Gonna give a little info. So my boyfriend and i have been dating for a week or so now and i have been staying with him. He does tattoos and we was at his friends house doin a tattoo and a girl messaged hin(his ex). They broke up a few months ago(he says) and when she messaged him i looked to see what they talk about and he was sayin how much he loved her and how he wanted to kiss her forehead and hold her in his arms and hes always sending her selfies(has only sent me 2) and then she sends him selfies back. Then now somethin new is he started deleting his recent phone conversations cuz i had to call my gma and i noticed she was the only recrnt contact other then his ex. He also deletes her conversation on messanger too cuz we have a mutual friend and he will have me reply to him on his phone if hes driving but i know they talk on there. He was outside for like 2 or 3 hrs and come to find out he was talkin to her on the phone. He says he wants to be long term with me but idk sometimes i feel like what if she says she wants him back will he throw me to the side like a rag doll or am i looking to much into it.

(*im 24 hes 46*)
