I’m 35, I have two beautiful daughters 17@15 and now due 4/27/19


This is technically my 4th pregnancy, I have two teenage daughters. I have been with my fiancé almost 10 months, we found out I was the pregnant early on, then we lost our baby January 21,2018. Absolutely devastated. Never would I think this could happen to me ? I had two normal pregnancies 17&15 years ago, but it did, we tried ever since to get pregnant again, then I find out about 2 weeks ago that I’m pregnant again! 5w6d due 4/27/19. We are over the moon happy , my boobs are like the size of giant pumpkins they are enormous and hurt like hell, not to mention I already have a little belly !! Wtf!

Yesterday the first time ever I had very light spotting , I instantly freaked out called the dr. We don’t go until 9/13 fir our first appointment. I didn’t have any cramping , and it hasn’t happened again, I know it’s supposed to be normal, I just can’t help to worry . This baby is already my world and I can not wait to meet him/her. I just continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby . I’ll stress until I make 12 weeks which for me isn’t until 10/12. ❤️. I read everyone’s stories daily and love this app. Love all the support we give each other .😘