Help please


So a little backstory I was pregnant before and I didn’t know until I was about five months along so about 20 weeks and I was diagnosed with incompetent cervix but couldn’t get any care right away because like I said I didn’t know I was pregnant until late so I lost my daughter at 20 weeks. So next time around I got pregnant with my son I had to get a rescue cerclage at around 21 weeks and now I am pregnant again with my third. And I am going back and forth with myself on when I should get my cerclage placed my doctor said I can get it anytime between now and 20 weeks but have anyone of you guys got a cerclage place at around 16 weeks and everything went OK up until labor ? And to add I am also on Makena progesterone shots every week. And I guess after my cerclage is placed I will have weekly appointments