Highs and lows...


Last week I had some bleeding on Wednesday night, went to the doctor on Thursday and found out I have a hemorrhage but the baby was still fine which made me feel over the moon I even saw a little flutter of a heartbeat. This past Sunday I had another bleed with a clot/tissue. I called my doctor's office the next day and they just told me to monitor it and as long as it doesn't happen again to keep my same appointment this Wednesday the 5th. I keep having moments where I still think I'm pregnant but then I still have my moments where I think I'm not and lost the baby. If anyone has gone through this I could use a little support.

Update I had my 8 week US today and girls we still have a baby! I am so excited and feeling so very blessed!! We are set back one week sitting at 7 weeks 1 day but I have no problem with that at all. I am having a baby!!