Serious nappy rash


Ok so my little boy is 1, he's teething which was giving him a little bit of a red bum but he's now had his 1 year jabs and he is constantly doing wet farts (sorry only way to explain it) and his bum is blistering and splitting. He has loads of sores which keep weeping and bleeding, he won't sit down in the bath and screams if I try to shower him, and changing him is absolutely impossible he screams the second I lay him down and throws himself around trying to get me away from his bum.

Doctor has said he has thrush and has given me clotrimazole cream but it isn't working it's just getting worse. They won't see him again till next week as they say the cream needs time to work (it's been 1 week already since I got the cream) but my son is in agony 😭

Please suggest anything to help him get better. I don't use baby wipes just plain water on flannels at nappy time. I have a combination or fitted nappies, pockets and prefolds and I use fleece liners. Since this has been getting worse I've been changing him roughly every 2 hours (more if I notice him sharting or actually pooing) I've been mainly using the fitted nappies and prefolds so I can wash at higher temperature for the thrush bacteria and I leave his nappy off as much as I can (my poor carpet!) I've also tried creams such as sudocrem, bepanthen and metanium with no improvement