Walk-in closet to nursery transformation! *UPDATE-FINISHED!*


Some backstory first.

Me, my husband, and my 1 year old moved to a new apartment in April. I was 5-ish months pregnant at the time. The apartment came with this HUGE walk-in closet in the master that had no use for because we are too lazy to hang our clothes, except for the most expensive ones and some of my husband’s work shirts, so we just fold them in or dresser. We used it as a junk closet for unopened boxes and clothes too small for us and our son, until we decided to turn it into a nursery.


Before people “freak out” because it’s a “closet”, it’s plenty of space and we are investing in proper ventilation this weekend for the nursery and it’s very comfortable to walk around in, so it’s definitely not too small. The crib and baby will be visible from our bed as well.


All that’s left is putting together the crib, and taking those last few boxes out as well as some top shelf stuff I’m too short for. All will be done when my husband comes home from working on a wildfire camp.

Before 🤮

After organizing a little 🤔

Now 😍

I will update the second it’s all perfectly cleaned up, and finished with a crib 🙌🏻👶🏻


I finally fished! This took a while but we’re so excited and happy! We’re just waiting on the mattress to come in from Amazon. We didn’t realize the mattress the crib came with was flimsy and thin so we put in the bassinet we used with my son