Moms of toddler and baby plz answer!


I have a almost 2 and 1/2 year old and I’m due in feb with another and these days I’m thinking about how I’ll manage with an extra for example how do you manage bedtime with baby and toddler? 😣😥 which do you put to bed first? And what if you’re co sleeping (my toddler sleeps in his crib next to my side of the bed we took one rail off) and unfortunately I never managed to get him to fall asleep in his bed without me in the room and I don’t think I’ll be able to by the time the next baby comes. I also don’t want us all to sleep in the same room bc toddler is light sleeper and if one baby cries the other night wake etc so I’m thinking either baby and I will sleep in another room for a couple months and toddler and hubby in the other room or maaaaybe although I don’t know if I can, I’ll set up toddlers own room but I don’t know about that bc he does wake in the middle of the night and I just feel like he’s too young to be sleeping all alone in his own room...🤷🏽‍♀️(I’m sure lots of toddlers do it and mine could too maybe after some effort) anywho. As you can see my mind is filled with what ifs and how to and how will etc etc. I need advice guys! How long did it take to adjust to two kids and what did you do when you got too stressed and it was moments where you couldn’t look to anyone else for help? How did you overcome your anger/sadness/lonliness/etc? What’s tips for a future mom of 2?? 😭😣thanks in advance!