11 month sleep regression? Anyone had it and made it through?


Currently my LO is screaming his head off and it’s 4 am. He started at 3 am. Had a dirty diaper and will only fall into fitful sleep with lots of twitches and jerks in my arms. I rocked him for about 10 min the first time and 20 the second before trying to put him down.

Usually, if he has a night waking it’s just once, maybe twice, I change his diaper and rock him for a minute or two in the middle of the night and he goes back down super quick and easy. For the last 3 nights he’s woken around 5 am and wouldn’t go back down no matter how long I rocked him. Now it’s gonna start at 3? I’m exhausted and emotional. :(

I thought it was just teething but he’s having dirty diapers too which he hasn’t done overnight since maybe 4-5 months. Guess his body thinks red time to get up?

Is this some sort of sleep regression/growth spurt?? How much longer is he gonna do this? I’m at a breaking point ... and hubby is outta town on a 4 day hunting trip 😮😭

He finally crashed just now, but it was without a pacifier so he’s crying and stirring but I’m avoiding him because I only make it work. 😭😭😭 I’m going to be so tired come sunup, I know I’m not alone in this, just venting and hoping for some encouragement that it’ll pass soon!