Would i seem too obsessive??

Okay so earlier this week my grandmother on my dads side who i haven’t seen since I was 2 years old, took me and my son out for lunch. We’ve been talking on Facebook for a few months and she was dying to meet both of us. We went to Apple Bees and our waiter was SO nice. He gave us a free appetizer, made our meals into this deal even though it really didn’t qualify for it, and kept bringing my son stuff like free apple sauce, 2 extra juice boxes, made him a paper boat out of a kids menu, and brought out extra fries just for him. He walked by our table when my “grandmother” was in the bathroom and he asked for my name and shook my hand. When we were leaving he said “bye Lexi” and had the biggest smile on his face. I noticed my grandmother didn’t tip him and i didn’t have any cash on me. I went home afterwards and it bothered me. He was honestly the best waiter I’ve ever had. I explained what happened to my mom and she told me to go back and try to tip him and that she’ll watch my son. I drive back over there, and asked the host if i could speak to him. He comes walking over with a big smile and goes “hey Lexi is everything okay” and i said yes and before i started explaining why i was there he opened the door and said come outside. I explained how i didn’t think she tipped him and how he was so nice and good to my son and it bothered me so i came back to give him a tip. He said he didn’t even notice that she didn’t tip him and could not believe i drove back to give him a tip. He refused to take it and just kept saying “next time you come back just ask for me” and i kept trying to give him the money and he just kept refusing and said to take my son to get ice cream or something with that money. He told me to come back and see him anytime and gave me a hug. I was so mad because I thought he was super cute and he was clearly kind of into me too right? But i didn’t ask for his number or give him mine. I remembered my friend saying she knew someone who worked at Apple bees so i texted her to try and find out more about him. Turns out, he serves at her job too (Red Robbin) and she said hes such a sweetheart. She did say he has 2 kids but she thinks he’s single. The next day i get a text saying “Lonnie said you are so beautiful” i wanted to scream. I felt like a 14 year old girl who just found out her crush liked her back. My mom watches my son when i go to work and they went to Red Robbin for dinner the other night and my friend was working. She asked her if Lonnie was working and she said yes and went and got him🤦🏻‍♀️ my mom was like i just wanted to thank you for being so good to my grandson and daughter when they went to Apple bees the other day and the fact you wouldn’t take the tip just shows how good of a person you are. They got talking and he told her I’m way too beautiful to be single and my mom said i chose a jerk to be the father of my kids (i have my son and am 8 months pregnant but me and my kids father have been done since i was only 6 weeks pregnant bc he’s a piece of shit) and he went on to say he had his kids with a jerk as well. He told her to tell me i can come see him any time i want or if i ever need to talk hes there. But no numbers were exchanged and i looked for him on Facebook and can’t find him. I’ve been off and on with my kids father for 4 years and this is the first guy that has made me feel this way since. I keep thinking about him and when i was told he kept calling me beautiful, i get butterflies and feel like a little kid again. Would i seem too obsessive if i told my friend to tell him to add me on Facebook or to give him my number next time she sees him?? I just feel like he might think I’m obsessed or something bc first my friend brought me up to him and then my mom. I was hoping he’d give one of them his number to give me but that hasn’t happened so I’m like is he even interested or is he waiting for me!?

UPDATE: Okay so i texted her saying “feel free to give Lonnie my Facebook, Instagram, or number next time you see him🤣”

And she responded saying “apparently he’s not single and he said it’s a shame bc your beautiful”

Just my luck 😅🤦🏻‍♀️