High school drama

So I dated this guy he’s two years older than me he’s in 12 and I’m in 10th grade right now we dated last year and we talked all the time and got really close we’re both in band and we both play trumpet so we we each other all the time but since we broke up it’s been really awkward and I might be moving soon and for the first time since we broke up we talked the other day bc he jus looked really upset so I texted him later on (so he didn’t have to tell me in front of everybody as in everyone in band) it stared out that he was just mad at our section leader bc our section leader has a big ego and puts everyone down and he had just had enough and we talked about that for a little while then he asked me how was and I said good but there’s a lot going on with school and the house and everything and classes and then we started talking about the house and the fact that i could be moving and like how the house wasn’t in Madison(where we both live currently) and that I would still go to Madison and that how nice the house was and there’s a pond in the back and he made a comment how he would be in the water(he loves swimming anything that you can do in the water) all the time and I was like yeah same my parents are already talking about getting a kayak or canoe or something and and he said that he couldn’t wait for swim season and I was like yeah I wish I could do swim team but I’m not gonna have time with all the all my classes and then he was like well you could do your homework on the bus or when we are not swimming and I was like well I get carsick if I write in the car and I get easily distracted if I try to work while where not swimming and he was like oh yeah well he’s like you should definitely try it if you could though with this emoji😁 and I was like yeah I’ll definitely try😁and like he never uses emoji’s and you just send me a 😁 it was kind of weird and like we’ve been talking more lately and I don’t know what’s going on but like he was talking people about homecoming and iv been ease dropping😂 but I don’t think he’s not gonna ask me but like it’s weird and idk what’s going on. But anytime we’re in public together we don’t talk and I feel like I’m ignoring him but I’m trying not to I just don’t know what to do or how to act. I’m just an awkward teenager wanting to know what’s going on?