Good Men Still Exist!

I check in on this app about once a month, and I often sift through posts of girls in dire need of dating advice. I thought I’d offer my 2 cents because I’ve been through toxics relationships before, dated the biggest F boys you can think of, and went crazy over three worded text messages that I’d spend days trying to decode 🤦🏻‍♀️ I honestly want to write a book about the shit I’ve been through lol. But more than anything, I wanna give you ladies some hope that good men still exist!

Honestly, my guy is the sweetest, most thoughtful man I’ve ever met. He opens my car door for me every time, visits me every week for lunch, cooks for me on his days off, and holds my hand as we fall asleep at night (is that weird? Lol 😂). He is truly everything I have ever wanted in a man, and I tell him every day how lucky I feel to be his ♥️ On our first date, I got SO drunk (cause he made me so nervous by how perfect he was 😭) that he had to uber me to his place cause when he asked for my address I said “8” 😂. From there, he tucked me into his bed, put a bottle of water on the night stand, and slept on the far opposite side of the bed from me to make sure I was alive and breathing 😅 I woke up fully clothed, puke in my hair, and no memory of what had happened the night before lol. And over a year later, we fall more in love with each other each day ♥️

LADIES. Please don’t settle for anything less than you deserve! I’ve done that shit before and it’s NOT fun. Dating isn’t a game, and it’s not meant for you to spend hours wondering why he’s not texting you back. If a man is interested, he will be a gentleman about it and prove to you why he’s worth your time. If he sends you one word responses or doesn’t go out of his way to see you, then he’s not interested and you’re wasting your time. Spend that time working on yourself, and I promise you Mr. Right will come along when you least expect it.