Lost consciousness!!!


Has anyone else blacked out since being pregnant? On our way to town to see the doctor today and was having a normal conversation with my husband... the next thing I know I’m starting to feel bad real fast, breathing very hard, dizzy/nauseous etc. my husband asked a question to which I did not respond so he asked again and then realized something was wrong. He immediately pulled the car over and started checking me, I was slumped over with my eyes still open but completely gone, sweating from head to toe and unresponsive! After several seconds I finally heard him calling my name and slowly came back...! 😳

It took me probably 30 minuets or more to fully recover. I did not get to see my normal doctor today (but have an appointment for tomorrow) but the doctor I did see said that the baby is sitting so far back on my spine that she somehow cut off blood flow!

Anyone else experience that?