
So I just switched birth control, (this is my second month on new birth control), to a kind that, if I skip the placebo week and jump to the first week of the next pack, will prevent bleeding. I got my period a day late after using the entire pack the first month I got it, and decided to suppress it this month. However, I had to double up one day this month after missing a pill, and I also took it late in the evening twice rather than very early in the morning as I usually do. Now I’m five days late, and I just took a pregnancy test that turned up negative. My boyfriend never comes in me, but we don’t use condoms. Should I re test in a couple days? It makes sense that it would skip my period this month since I decided to suppress it by skipping the placebo pills, however the amount I fucked around with the timing/missing the pill last month, you’d think it wouldn’t work the way it’s supposed to. This is the test result btw