Should I be induced at 41 weeks or wait longer?

Katie • 31, 💙 2-6-15, ❤️ 9-9-18, due 4-3-2021

So today I’m 40 weeks 1 day. I have had two membrane sweeps that have done nothing at this point (one today and one last week). I am 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced and have been since last week.

I am moving in less than 4 weeks (sept 29th) due to my husband starting a new job about 3 hours away. I am feeling super stressed and also feeling guilty about wanting to get induced at 41 weeks (earliest ob offers) instead of 42 weeks (last ob will let me go).

I had my son 2 1/2 weeks early and this is my second baby. I am super worried if she doesn’t come on her own and I get induced that I will end up having to have a c-section because Pitocin puts you at a higher risk.

My family is driving me nuts. I had my son naturally with no pain medicine and they insist on telling me not to get induced and that I won’t be able to give birth without pain medicine. First of all it’s none of your business what I choose to do and it is my body. Neither here nor there.