

I’m 6 months pp with my first son. I had to quit bf because when he was 3 weeks old he had surgery, after that he had a hard time latching. Then one week later I had to have my gallbladder removed(by complete surprise). I couldn’t give him any of the milk I pumped until after the meds and stuff were out of my system. My milk supply took a massive hit. I went from producing 8oz to 3oz(if I was lucky that day). I got so depressed and I just felt like my son wasn’t getting enough. I stopped bf all together and I got a job. Now I am a SAHM again, I want to relactate. I miss breastfeeding so much! If you ladies have ever done this, could you help me out with some tips? what worked/didn’t work for you, How long it took, how many months pp were you?

đź’™pic of my LO for attentionđź’™