Are you “jealous” of your nanny?

redvelvet_94 • 25yo grandma 👵🏼

Let me elaborate and clarify: I am a part-time nanny (full-time student) and the kids I take care or really love me! And I love them too; I play with them, make sure they’re well-fed, bathed, moisturized, hydrated, and over all happy.

The 2yo in particular has separation anxiety from me because whenever I hand him over to his dad at the end of my shift, he doesn’t want to go and has a complete melt-down. He adores his mom the most but even today when I went to pass him off, he just wanted to stay with me 😅

The Mom is totally okay with it and I’m hoping the dad is too, but I wonder if sometimes they feel “hurt?” I hope not.

Another kid I nannied in the past straight up said (in front of his mom) that he wanted me to be his mom and I was like 💀

If you have a nanny/babysitter, have you experienced this? How do you feel about it?

Here’s a picture of us!