Second natural labor was a whirlwind!


I read the stories, but didn’t think it’d happen to me! This is my second and it was fast!! I had false labor nightly the last week and a half, it was driving me crazy. The previous night contractions were even 3 min apart, but would fizzle. This time was different. I started loosing a ton of mucus and shortly after I went to bed I felt a leak at 11. I wasn’t sure if my water broke bc with my first it was a true gush. Low and behold contractions picked up and hurt big time. We got our bags and waited for my mom to arrive to stay with my toddler. In that time contractions were between 2-3 mins. We got to the hospital shortly after 12 and were rushed to a room. I was at 6 cm. No more than ten minutes pass and I feel like I need to push! They check again and I’m a 10. After a lot of rushing around I started pushing, and four push cycles later baby girl was born at 1:25! Definitely less pain in my hips this time, but pain in my back. I was able to catch my breath between contractions with little pain at all which was a savior. The ring of Fire is real deal and you just gotta bear down with all you’ve got! I have a second degree tear again, but it was all worth it! Once again reminded of how our bodies are designed for this!! If you’re thinking of natural, try it!!

Amelia Claire 7 lbs 11 oz 18.75 inches, born at 38 +3 😍