IUD vs The Pill / Pill questions

Jessica • Those who say nothing have the most to say and those who wear the least color have the most colorful minds.

Alright ladies! Quick question for ya: I’m currently on the pill and I was told by a few people I know IUDs are way better especially since I can be forgetful but I want to hear from you guys about the pros vs cons and that will help me decide. Tbh my mom is completely against it (and I do know it is my own choice she didn’t say I’m not allowed obvi) and so she kept telling me I could end up in the hospital, I could die, it’s uncomfortable ect. and that was kinda jarring and made me a little nervous. But how are your experiences with it? Should I? Should I not??

Second part:

Alright, now, I’m an anxious person so I need a little info to help me out...my boyfriend (of 2 years) and I have sex quite often, without a condom and I am on the pill but this weekend he did ejaculate while still inside me(for the first time, we both got a little too excited and lost in the moment). On one end I’m told that because I’m on the pill I will be fine & that it’s normal to have the guy ejaculate while still inside you and that that’s part of the protection of the pill. On the other end I’m kinda nervous which resulted in some frantic googling & I came across a few websites about ovulation which stated that if you have sex outside of the 6 days prior to your period you should be fine and that as you get close the bigger chance you have it was like the first of those 6 days (the Farthest from my period). I just wanted to know if I’m overreacting or I’ll be fine.