SIL wants to use name

Edit to add: The name is Wyatt.

Just curious as to what you all would do. Announced gender and potential name to husband's family. SIL, who can't have kids but desperately wants them, said that the name we announced was the name she wanted to use if they had the chance to have a child. No one knew that she was thinking of that name. Husband wants to use the name because he loves it and it's unlikely that they will have children or adopt. I don't want to use the name because 1) she will think of the baby she doesn't have everytime she sees my baby and 2) I don't want to be reminded that I chose a name she loved while she struggles with inferility.

Yes, I know a lot of people don't announce names for this reason, but our family isn't like that.

Edit to add: It is hard for her to see me pregnant and have babies (I also have an 18 month old). My husband's family tries not to even bring up pregnancy things because she gets upset. I also can't complain because she would "gladly trade places with me." It is a very tricky situation. We already have a middle name that we love, she does not want us to use the name at all, and if anything, it would create a strained, probably non-existent, relationship between them. I don't want to be negative about it, but she is older so every year becomes more upset. My husband and I are in our baby-making season 😍, but it definitely adds more strain between her and myself as well.