Weight loss journey

When I was 12 I was a huge 100+ kgs and looked terrible

This was me then

Then I knew I had to do something it was killing me so I started riding horses and walking to my friend's house every day and I managed to get to this I was still about 100kgs

Then I kept on trying and trying walking everywhere foing exercises and drinking water but I still kept eating junk and and take away but I managed again to get down to this

So I started working with my dad lifting furniture every day and working hard and drinking only water and after months of that I finnaly checked the scale and I was 86kgs

Then I actually stopped eating and only had a few bites of dinner a night and ONLY drank water and worked out by 2017 I was down to 65kgs and looked soo different

I was and still am proud of myself I achieved something big to me and now I'm doing it all again I had a baby at the start of this year and it got me upto 117kgs and now I'm 7 months pp and weighing 90kgs still a long road ahead but I know I can do it