Alright this is really late cause she’s 7 weeks but


birth story

I went in with Madi at 5 because I was bleeding they checked me but said the bleeding was from the cervix. But got sent home .

Midnight rolled around and I had fallen asleep but contractions started hard and quick. I woke rob who had fallen asleep on the couch and I told him they were happening but that I was gonna take a shower to try and ease the pains of them. Went to go use the bathroom before getting in and I was bleeding like I had started my period. So I yelled for rob to come to the bathroom showed him how bad it was and told him to ready the kids. I dressed myself and called my baby’s god mother and told her to meet her at the hospital when she could. I also called my friend and step dadSo we get to the hospital about 2:30 they check me about 3 and I’m at a 5. They take an ultrasound to make sure her head was ready. They came in and did paperwork to move me. By the time they get me moved it’s 4:30 contractions are every 2 minutes. Chris’s girlfriend took the kids to run errands so I could labor without them there. They get the iv in I called for the epidural they got there at 5am they fucked up and put it in the right side and deadened both legs. So they took it back out did it again on the other side. I get an hour nap . The doc popped my water cause I wasn’t dilating come to find out she had meconium and they call in the pediatric team for delivery. I call for her nurse cause I feel myself pushing an hour later and as soon as doc walks in I’m told not to push cause he sees nothing but hair. 17 doctors and nurses come in and in 6 pushes Madi was out. Luckily she cried right away and I got to hold her but they took her to clear the rest of her sit way and check for clear lung sounds and signs of pneumonia. But she was a health 7lbs 5 ounces 19 inches long. Born at 7:06 am