Induction Birth Story❤️



Friday August 31st at 12am (39weeks) I was set to be induced due to GD.

Thursday night my SO and I finished cleaning the house and left around 9:30 to go out to eat for one last meal before I could possibly go a day or more without eating. We check in at the hospital at midnight on Friday and we get up to our room on the L&D floor. They check me and I am 1.5cm and 80% effaced, which I had been 1cm for the past 2 weeks. We wait about an hour for a lady from lab to come up before they put an IV in me, that way they didn’t have to poke me a million times. About 1:30 I was started on Pitocin. Every 30-45 minutes the nurse would come in to turn the dosage up. I was having good contractions that were 2-4 minutes apart. But I didn’t feel any of them. As the day went on, the Pitocin dosage kept getting higher and I still felt no pain or contractions. Around 5pm the Dr came in and stopped the Pitocin as I was at my max dosage with no progression or pain. He let me eat and we set a time to restart the Pitocin at midnight that way my body could reboot and hopefully cooperate with the Pitocin. Around midnight on Saturday the 1st, pitocin is restarted and I go to sleep. About 2:15 I wake up to go to the bathroom and as I stood up a huge gush of fluid went all over the floor. I grabbed my IV pole and waddled as fast as I could to the bathroom to make sure I didn’t just pee myself and then called the nurse in to let her know. After getting cleaned up she checked my cervix and I was at a 2. I went back to sleep. Around 9:30am the Dr came in and broke my water the rest of the way. Not even 10 minutes later I FINALLY started to feel contractions (by that time the pitocin was already turned up to 13 units and the max is 20) and they were EXCRUCIATING. I immediately told my nurse I wanted the epidural. About an hour later the epidural was placed and I was in heaven. It never wore off the rest of labor. About an hour after I got the epidural I was dilated to 4cm and I had my bloody show. I was able to sleep and just relax throughout the rest of the day. I kept progressing and around 7 I asked to be checked again because I started to feel a bit of pressure in my right hip. My nurse checked and said baby’s head was right there but there was still a small lip of cervix left. Jump to 8:15 and I’m checked again and I’m fully dilated and shaking uncontrollably from the labor hormones. The nurse tears down my bed and gives me an oxygen mask and we start the practice pushes around 8:25. After about 5 sets of pushes she goes to get the Dr. and I start pushing my baby girl the rest of the way out. But once her head was out her shoulders got stuck. The Dr started yelling at me to keep pushing no matter how bad I wanted to stop. It felt like forever but finally baby girl came out. But she wasn’t crying. The Dr. suctioned out her airway and she let out a tiny cry and she was taken over to the baby warmer to have an oxygen mask put on. After 5 minutes she was fine and crying like a champ. I, on the other hand was shaking so bad again that the Dr had to stop stitching me up to talk me into slowing my breathing as I started to hyperventilate. I got my breathing slowed and was handed my sweet baby girl. About 5 minutes later the Dr looked up and me and said “give me one good push, the afterbirth is coming” and as soon as I pushed that out I literally blurted out “oh my god that felt so good” 😂😅 and went back to staring at my beautiful little girl.

Aria Jane was born after 29 minutes of pushing at 8:54pm on her daddy’s birthday weighing 7lbs 12oz and 21 1/2 inched long. ❤️ throughout my whole pregnancy he just knew I’d have her on his birthday and he was right😍😂