Baby is due any day now and I'm falling apart.

There's so much going on right now and I don't know what to do. In having major issues with my boyfriend's mother, she's extremely controlling. It all started when I wanted to set rules for the new baby. She did not respect them, even though she said she did. She fought me to the point where I moved back to my grandma's, all because she couldn't control what happened with OUR baby. So, fast forward to now, I've been trying to help my boyfriend get everything in order, to find a stable job, now he has two younger siblings (a two year old and a nine year old) whom he has to babysit because she has to work. She has not been encourging him or helping him try to look for a job, tells him Its on him to find daycare for HER kids, then tells him that watching the kids isn't enough and he has to do ALL the house work. Which, he already does a lot. Finally, today I asked him what he wanted and he said he didn't know. So, now I just feel like all of the trying to fight for our little family is for nothing, and like he just wants everything to stay the same. I don't know what to do. I'm just getting more and more depressed as it's getting closer to my due date. I don't want to be like this when my baby boy is here. :(