I wish this question didn’t exist.

Red • 26 | Married | Baby Girl 🎀 11/12/19

People just don't get the

👉🏻don't ask people when they're going to have kids👈🏻thing.

There's a girl I ran into from school and within 5 seconds into our conversation she asked the question I hate the most. "Do you have any kids yet?" And I said "Nope.. Not yet." (Which is fine.. but the next part is what kills me.)

She then goes "Well are you going to wait forever or what?? You're not going to be young forever!"

And I just look at her and shrug thinking 'You have no idea what I'm going thru, you have no idea how hard my husband and I HAVE been trying for years now, you have no idea how much money I've spent to try and have a baby, and you have no idea how everything you just said hurts me because I think about being pregnant and having a child of my own every single day.'

This kind of thing is happening more and more the older I get. I hate it so much. It makes me feel like such a little person, makes me feel like less of a woman, like a failure. I feel like it makes me look weak to other women because I can't do my one job as a girl that everyone else around me obviously has no problem with. I feel like the only one that can't give her husband a baby.

Sorry for my emotional rant. I just really had to get that off my chest. I’m having a really hard day today.