opinions warranted and how to send text response šŸ˜©


ok boom ! ... so this mom asked me to ā€œcarpoolā€ with her this year at our kids new school. this is a convenience for her as she gets off of work @ 5. and itā€™s about 40 mins away. Luckily , i make my own work schedule and prioritize my kids picks ups/drop off (donā€™t schedule work around her drop off or pick ups ) ... i do this for my husband too because we only have 1 car. so anyway ... i agreed to be nice (hadnā€™t necessarily thought it out. ... I live downtown detroit which is 11 minutes away from new school . she lives 10 mins away from me in opposite direction. to pick my kid is on the way to school for HER. however , i DONT need her to do drop my kid off ... iā€™m used to dropping my hubby off and then coming home to get her and go 10 minutes ( i like it ... itā€™s our time together ) anyway , i agreed and i figures iā€™m pregnant ... lets see how it works.

this woman told me she would get to my house by 7:20am , 7:25. ... itā€™s 7:33 this morning and the woman hasnā€™t called nor showed up šŸ™‡šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø and my kid has to be in school @ 7:45 . so i run to garage, get my car and call her as iā€™m pulling out (7:35 now )... she gonna say she was pulling up which was a lie because i wouldā€™ve seen her. Soooo boom iā€™m annoyed because i just canā€™t stand people who arenā€™t punctual or just disrespect my time and her daughter already said they were late yesterday (school starts @ 7:45) .

anyway. today after school with that back to school traffic ... it took 30 mins to drop her kid off at home to a step dad who has a license and car (wtf canā€™t this man pick her up) and then an additional 10 mins to go back in the direction of my house and get home.

literally puts and entire 30 -35 mins on my afterschool commute because itā€™s 2 highways to her house from school ... as appose to about 13 mins with traffic to my house

i had to pee so badly ...

sooooooo ... how i tell mom this ainā€™t gonna work out? should i send a text this evening saying i can finish our week but she needs to sign up for after school ?

disclaimer; i mostly agreed because i understand the childcare struggle like no other but this is the first time in my life iā€™ve had it this convenient and i just canā€™t see my being this annoyed by a stranger, sheā€™s no friend , family , nothing.

my house is literally 13 mins with traffic. hers is 25 with traffic and increases as your go.