I guess I get to have prodromal labor again 😑

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

So, it has now been 36 hours since my contractions and back labor started. They range from about 3-6 minutes apart and are moderately painful, but not "active" labor painful.

With my first, I was in prodromal labor for 56 hours before I was coerced into an induction and had him 12 hours later, for a total of 68 hours. It started at 38+4.

I won't allow myself to be induced again unless it's an emergency. I was warned that my low weight put me at risk for premature delivery. Happy I made it to term, but I'm hoping he hangs in there until 39 weeks (currently 37+3), so that's a ways to go. I was hoping I'd get more rest in the days before labor this time, but I guess I'm getting less! Wish me luck that I can make it 11 more days! 🤞

Ever had to chase around a naked toddler and wrestle him down for a diaper change while having contractions? Not fun.

This sweet little face has no idea what he's in for. I wish I could warn him!